Finger paint

We saw Riley’s first finger painting posted on the wall at her day care a few days back. It made me so proud! Even before I noticed how it was (clearly!) the best of the bunch. 🙂

Actually, it made me think of a bit of dialogue from Six Degrees of Separation:

I remembered asking my kids’ second-grade teacher: “Why are all your students geniuses?” Look at the first grade – blotches of green and black. The third grade – camouflage. But your grade, the second grade… Matisses, every one. You’ve made my child a Matisse. Let me study with you. Let me into the second grade. What is your secret?

I don’t have any secret. I just know when to take their drawings away from them.

Well, I suppose in this case Riley’s teachers might start by keeping kids on their own canvases. Those blotchy black finger smudges in the lower left? That was Riley’s friend wandering off her own sheet and onto Riley’s.

The class also painted baby pumpkins for Halloween. Riley was apparently the only kid to use sparkle paint. I was almost blinded by Elise’s beaming smile when she told me that bit of detail.

Comments (2)

Peg BowdenNovember 13th, 2006 at 6:56 am

The art: actually, the composition is very balanced, and the colors are so primary and true! I must say that the hand smudges to the left add to the overall design of the piece, so I wouldn’t complain too much about Riley’s friend adding her 2 cents to the creation. I’m so glad the painting is signed. It’ll only appreciate in value in years to come. Trust me on this. Gramma Peg

Mark JohnsonMarch 31st, 2008 at 9:18 pm

Great quote. . . one of my favorites from the movie/play.

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