What we do…
People sometimes ask what we do all day long… and I’m never quite sure what to say. So I thought I’d start paying attention to what it is that fills our days together.
There’s of course eating, which Riley does 3 times a day and has gotten really good at. She’s really into feeding herself cheerios (which is great, she stays distracted with her cheerios while i make the rest of her food) and likes to chew chunks of fruit. Still no teeth yet though. She’s also learning to drink water from a sippy cup…
And she still does quite a bit of sleeping…
But mostly we just play. Play with her blocks…
The game is to see how high you can build before Riley knocks the tower down. You win if you can use up all the blocks and keep Riley distracted enough that she doesn’t swipe at them and send them flying (we’ve never won).
Play in the crib. She can pull herself up to standing by holding on to the side rail…
Versions of this include playing with the giraffe and monkey Michael gave her, or peek-a-boo (a surprisingly fun game it turns out!)
Of course there’s always playing with pots and pans – a classic favorite…
Swimming in the pool in our back yard (especially during that heat wave we had a few weeks ago when we swam every day). She’s pretty good at kicking on her front and back, and doesn’t seem to mind too much when her face gets wet (though she used to scream). The old ladies in our building love seeing Riley in the pool…
She goes out in the stroller almost every day, which she enjoys as long as you keep moving. Sometimes it’s the only way I can get her to fall asleep during the day…
Riley LOVES the jumper, loves it. and we love watching her in it. Some nights we put her in it while we eat dinner next to her (it’s tough to sit down and eat at the same time these days)…
Bath time is pretty fun, especially know that she’s graduated to the big tub, and has so many fun toys to play with…
After bath time comes story time, which I love, and Riley is starting to like. Her favorite book seems to be “That’s not my fairy!” which was given to her by Anne and Isabelle. It’s one of those cardboard touch books with something to feel on every page. In the last few days Riley’s suddenly learned where all the touch spots are and goes straight to them with her little pointer finger. And! She’s learned how to turn the pages. We’re very proud.
There’s so much more, but I think that’s enough for now!
I love your daughter’s blog! She is gorgeous and it is such fun for vicarious grandmas such as I to see her grow and flourish! (I also know she is a key part of Becky’s joy sources so am interested that way too.) Thank you for doing it.
Your Mom’s sweater is fabulous, Elise (I think it’s your Mom?)
Yes that sweater was knit by my mother, Brigitte Huber. She’s very talented!