New tricks

Riley seems to be settled into the new place now. She now has her very own beautiful yellow room (though she still sleeps in our room for ease of early morning feedings) and a gorgeous crib complete with a fantastic handmade quilt from Kendra. She transitioned from bassonet to crib without any trouble at all, and continues to pretty much sleep through the night. We’ve finally hung a little fish mobile (that we bought on the beach in Zanzibar and used to hang in our bathroom) above her crib and she’s completely fascinated by it, it’s cute.

Riley seems to be developing more everyday, it’s so fun. She’s a very smiley happy kid and recently has started laughing and making little squealing noises when she gets really excited. Her very favorite thing to do is stand up and jump around with a little help, and she’s pretty obsessed with the toys hanging from her play-mat. She can actually keep herself amused there for quite a while and is getting much better at actually grabbing and holding on to the toys (though her end goal always seems to be putting them in her mouth). She continues to enjoy looking at herself in the mirror…

We’ve been introducing her to the plants in the garden, not sure how excited she is about them though.

We’ve learned a few new tricks… Riley still hates driving in the car, but turns out playing static real loud on the radio calms her down, and even puts her to sleep sometimes. At home the new trick for calming her down when she’s tired is bouncing with her on the blowup exercise ball. I’ve definitly gotten stronger from carrying her around these last few monthes, but she’s still pretty heavy and at the end of the day it’s nice to give my arms a break and just bounce on the ball…

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