Jason and Joanna’s wedding

When Damon was 4 weeks old we flew up North for Jason and Joanna’s wedding in Monterrey. Originally we thought there was no way we’d be able to make it since it was planned for 2 days after Damon’s due date… but then our little boy came early! When he was about 2 weeks old it suddenly occurred to us that we could probably go. Luckily the bride and groom are flexible, easy-going people who described their wedding as “emphatically family friendly,” so they didn’t seem put out by our very late RSVP.

Unfortunately right before we left I got really sick (mastitis! I even got a fever!! Last time that happened was right after Riley was born. Apparently being a new mother is harder on the body then being a surgical resident. Evil, evil bacteria… I thought I was going to die). Luckily the antibiotics kicked in just in time. We flew to San Jose on Friday afternoon, rented a car, and drove to Monterray. Travelling with 2 kids is definitly more hectic then travelling with one, but we actually got through Damon’s first flight without any major hitches… definitly no meltdowns or crying fits from either kid. We tried to pack light, but of course ended up with a mountain of luggage… which made for an interesting situation when Sage went to pick up the rental leaving me with all the bags and both kids. Seemed like a good idea, until Riley announced she had to use the bathroom. She doesn’t usually give too much forewarning before she really has to go, so we made a spectacle of ourselves carting a suitcase, a big suitbag, riley’s car seat bag and the stroller all the way down to the other end of the baggage claim and up the elevator (of course the close restroom was under construction). Riley was very helpful though, and we made it in time, and it made for a good story when Sage got there with the car.

Friday night there was a dinner at the Asilomar conference center. We ended up seeing more friends then we were expecting, and it was of course great to see Jason and Joanna (who amazingly seemed relaxed and happy). There was also a ton of kids there, so Riley had a great time too. There was music playing, but no one dancing, but that didn’t stop our little dancing fiend…

[Milk in a wine glass, fancy fancy! ]

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Saturday we went to the aquarium with Michael/Jewelin/Ciera and Dallas/Vida/Maddox…

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(I actually missed the jellyfish because I was feeding Damon, but the pictures and videos look pretty cool)

The wedding was Saturday night, conveniently at the hotel we were staying at. Riley wanted to put a million little clips in her hair…

She also borrowed my necklace. I don’t know why it’s so fun doing hair with Riley and letting her wear my necklace, but it makes me glad to have a little girl. 🙂

The ceremony was outside, and even though it was quite cold, the kids in the audience did very well. There were SO MANY KIDS! It was great. We sat in the back row just in case Damon got noisy (he didn’t) and there was a whole line-up of strollers next to us. Damon slept through the whole ceremony and most of the reception.

[Riley checking on Damon]

The nice thing about sitting in the back is we could see all the kids peeking over their parents’ shoulders…




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[The happy couple! (sorry it’s sideways)]

Riley danced up a storm with me at the reception, she’s a party girl! She also had a good time entertaining Maddox playing hide-and-seek (i.e. she would hide under the table, then jump out and Maddox would crack up, he’s such a cutie.)

On Sunday there was a plan to all go to the garlic festival in Gilroy on the way back to San Jose/San Francisco. We made it through the traffic and all the way to a parking spot, before giving up… both kids were sleeping in the back of the car, and everyone outside was slathering on sunscreen and looking hot and sweaty with no shade in site…. We decided to just go home (buying some cherries and pluots on the way). Flight home was easy and uneventful. All in all, it was a great weekend. Damon’s first trip!!

Comments (1)

Peg BowdenAugust 31st, 2009 at 11:44 am

Riley is the dancing queen. She looks adorable. I love all of her wild curls. And oh my, mastitis. Ouch. What did we do before antibiotics?? So glad you were able to get relief and go to this festive wedding. Too bad Damon won’t remember all the good partying in Asilomar. Love, Oma Peggy

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