10 days old
Little Damon is 10 days old! It’s been a very mellow 10 days overall, with a fantastic trip to Pismo beach in the middle (which deserves it’s own post, coming soon). He still has never cried for longer then a minute (and usually much less then that) and is very easy to console with shushing and a little bouncing. We’re wondering how long this will last…
I’ve been having to wake him up to eat because otherwise he would sleep sleep sleep. Dr. Woo says he should eat about every 3 hours during the day, every 4 hours at night. We set an alarm at night, otherwise he would just keep sleeping… although recently he’s actually started making some noises before the alarm goes off, so maybe we don’t really need it anymore.
Our first night home from the hospital he slept beautifully in the bassinet for 2 hours. Unfortunately Sage and I did not sleep beautifully alone in our bed, so since then he’s been sleeping with me. I just like to tuck him into the crook of my arm and fall asleep snuggled up with him, such a cutie. Eventually he’ll go back to the bassinet… I’m just not ready yet.
Damon doesn’t sleep ALL the time. When he’s awake he’s either looking all around in quiet concentration or madly flinging his arms and legs in every direction. He’s become much more vocal and even while sleeping has a nice array of cooing noises to make sure you know he’s there.
Riley continues to be a protective doting big sister, and Damon tolerates her kisses and hugs quite well.
Taking a nap together…
The other news for the week is I started classes. So far it seems to be working out well. My mom brings him over between classes if it’s a short break, and if it’s a long break I just go home… I’m sure it will get more difficult, but right now it’s working out well.
Last thing… I took him to the doctor today to see if he’s gaining enough weight. He looks healthy, but I just wanted to know how aggressive I should be about waking him up to eat. Turns out he’s 7 lbs 6.75 oz. He’s been gaining ~60g/day over the last week, and apparently you only need 30g/day to be healthy… so I guess he’s eating enough. Also, doctor says we’re probably in a “honeymoon period” that lasts 2 weeks, and after that he’ll probably start crying more. We’ll enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts…