Our little patriot

Oma Peggy arrived today, and brought a wooden US sates puzzle for Riley with her. Riley is a big fan of puzzles and wanted to do it right away. They were working on it together when Riley noticed the statue of liberty. She pointed at it and said, “With liberty and justice for all!” Oma Peggy was of course surprised (who wouldn’t be?) and asked if she knew the pledge of allegiance… so Riley starts reciting…”I pledge-allegiance-to-the-flag-under-god-united-states-under-god-america-with-liberty-and-justice-for-all!” as pretty much one long continuous word said very quickly (and with a very proud grin on her face). I’m guessing Lucy has been doing some America teaching at the daycare because of the 4th of July?? It certainly didn’t come from us. Pretty entertaining. I wonder if she has any idea what she’s saying…

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