Riley reads to her animals

We recently went through the baby clothes that had accumulated in the closet in preparation for Damon’s arrival. We sorted out the items we liked, kept anything small and gender neutral for Damon, and sent the bigger stuff to Ronin and the smaller stuff to Lorelei. The rest we put in a box for the goodwill/salvation army.

Being us, that box sat around for a while, and Riley soon discovered it was full of all kinds of exciting clothes… particularly dresses, which she is really big on these days. (“Why can’t I wear only dresses and skirts?”) Her favorite dress is from Becky and Tom’s wedding, which she frequently wears around the house. (It’s fancy, but we can’t think of any real reason not to let her wear it all the time. Although we do draw the line at the park and daycare.) The rest she likes to put on her animals.

And then she reads to them.

Riley’s version of reading usually consists of a stream of consciousness mash-up of said book and any other books we’ve read recently. (She’s getting much better at actual reading, but I think it’s usually too slow for her tastes.)

[Ha ha!]

[So funny!]

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