
Riley has friend. Her first real friend. His name is Taylor and he’s almost 4 years old and Riley says he’s funny. She talks about him all the time. There’s been other kids she kind of hung around with or talked about, but never like this. They play together in the daycare everyday, and from what we hear from his parents, he talks about her at home all the time too. I took some cute pictures of them going nuts with the marble tower at daycare one day, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea to post pictures of other people’s kids on the web…

At night before Riley goes to sleep I ask her what she wants to dream about and we think about some fun, happy things (part of my plan to prevent nightmares that seem to sometimes plague her). One night I was giving her option after option… swimming in the pool, the animals in the zoo, Ronin, rainbows, the tomatoes and carrots growing on our roof… but she kept saying no no no. So I asked her what she wanted to dream about, and she replied, “I want to dream about Taylor…”

Another time I asked her who loves her and she said “Mommy and Daddy and Taylor love me, and I love Mommy and Daddy and Taylor.”

He’s a very sweet boy so I’m happy they are friends.

Comments (2)

Peg BowdenJune 28th, 2008 at 2:44 pm

What a sweet story. I hope to meet Taylor on my next visit. I love your night time rituals. Sweet dreams, Riley!! Love, Oma Peggy

CaterinaMay 28th, 2012 at 6:12 am

this is a nice article with a beautiful usage. please, keep those posts coming.http://www.kitsucesso.com

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