Riley’s Scream

The first thing Riley did when she was born was scream at the top of her lungs. At the time it was cute and reassuring – and kind of amazing how much noise such a tiny thing could make. In subsequent days it became less cute, and somewhat distessing when she would out of no where just scream and cry, sometimes all night almost inconsolably. Luckily we’re learning how to make her happy… Sage has developed a swinging/tossing/baby-free-fall technique that has proven very effective (though it kind of freaks me out) and the pinky finger in the mouth is always a good fall back (poor man’s pacifier). Sometimes it seems like nothing is really wrong, she’s just frustrated and needs to cry for a while… the baby book says that 90% of babies cry for an hour or more a day without any clear explanation… which makes it a bit easier to endure, but just barely. There’s something heart breaking and exhausting about a crying baby.

Most of the time Riley is totally mild mannered and pleasant and wonderful to watch and play with. And the last couple nights we seem to have gotten the routine down better and she hasn’t been crying so much (thank god). We figure it’s all a learning process, on both ends.

Comments (3)

peter winnJanuary 16th, 2006 at 9:17 am

Your babyblog took me back (instantly!) to the first night after we took Ethan home from the hospital, where he had been the one tranquil baby in the nursery, sleeping peacefully and moving rhythmically and cuddling immediately into his mother’s arms.

As soon as we got him home, he changed into this inconsolably crying newborn
–the dry, shallow cry of a newborn is unique, so different from older babies–
and that first night after Sue and I had exhausted everything the books said
and everything we could think of (never thought of the baby toss –although by dawn after a sleepless night of frustration and exhaustion for all concerned I had an insight into child abuse…

Yet, within very few weeks, Ethan was sleeping through the night and went on to become an easy, tranquil baby….

So, courage — and if you have gotten this far with good humor and home remedies (baby toss, pinkypacifier), consider it a good sign of better times to come…

saludos y abrazos,


GeorgeJanuary 16th, 2006 at 10:36 am

I haven’t even met Riley, but I love her already. I am so happy for you guys. When can we visit?

Maddy GershJanuary 16th, 2006 at 12:15 pm

Hi Elise and Sage,

I’m Maddy (Brigitte’s hairstylist and friend – see
Congratulations. Riley definately looks like the most beautiful baby ever. Please give my love to Brigitte and tell her I’ve looked at ALL of the pictures.


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