Chiang Mai Day 2

The next day we took a cooking class (well Vida and I took the class actually, Dallas, Sage and Riley were just along for the ride). They picked us up in a covered truck and brought us to a market to get supplies. We got a quick lesson about rice and then were free to roam around and explore the stcaks of colorful fruits and vegetables, assorted animal parts (pig heads! and feet and legs and ears…), fish splashing about in buckets, various prepared foods, spices, all sorts of sauces in every color in little plastic bags. I love a good market. Then we were off to an organic farm where the class was held. She first took us all on a tour through the garden. Riley of course loved trying everything (it’s so bizarre, she’s become really picky at the table, but in the garden she’ll try eating almost anything and usually loves it). Her favorites were basil and baby eggplant. Then the cooking began… I made yellow curry (riley tasted all the ingredients, but refused to try the final product), Tom Yong soup and thai basil chicken. We all feasted on the food Vida and I cooked, then we went back for more. I made noodles and for dessert sticky rice with mango, all of which we packaged up and brought home for dinner. It was a fun day for all I think. Riley enjoyed petting the cats and exploring the garden. Unfortunatly Riley didn’t get a good nap in though (just a mini one on the truck in the morning), so by the end of the day she was hot and tired and grumpy. She fell asleep on the way home though (I don’t know how she can sleep on a loud windy bumpy truck ride, but she just puts her head down and goes to sleep). In the evening we walked around the night market again then turned in early.

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