Smiley Riley

Riley really is becoming quite the smiler. I know some in the medical profession would maintain that it’s just gas, but I think it’s real. I’m not sure what she’s so happy about – maybe it was meeting her great-uncle George, or her first walk around the Stanford dish – but whatever it is and whatever is causing it, it’s super cute, I love it.

Also, what Sage neglected to mention in his post about the hikes is that all credit for us getting out of the house should go to my parents. We’d likely be sitting on the couch feeling tired and lazy all day if it weren’t for them getting us up and out… I’m very grateful for it though. It’s good to get out, and I think walking is a good start along the long road to fitting into my wedding dress again…

So to anyone planning on having kids, definitly let your parents help. Especially if they’re good cooks.

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