Comments on: Changes Wed, 24 Jan 2007 17:08:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachel Wed, 24 Jan 2007 17:08:03 +0000 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! i am feeling very fussy myself because I miss Riley so much!

keep up the good parenting work Elise & Sage, you guys are phenomenal.


By: Peg Bowden Wed, 17 Jan 2007 16:34:39 +0000 Hi Elise and Sage,
I totally agree with “Auntie Anne”. Trust your instincts and balance them with Riley’s needs. Riley is a great communicator and has always let you know what she wants and needs. I found that the difficult phases with Sage (and Cheyenne) usually lasted about 2 weeks max. Just when I thought I couldn’t stand ONE MORE DAY of fussiness, it all stopped! Magic. Then there was peace and tranquility in the valley for awhile until the NEXT developmental phase took hold. You are to be commended for hanging in there with the nursing, as I know you have so many other commitments with school, clinics, studying. You are a great multi-tasker! And Riley is so fortunate to have that kind of intimacy right now.
Both Sage and Cheyenne did not like cow’s milk or soy milk after I quit nursing, but loved goat’s milk! (so, on the farm in Oregon, we bought some goats!) And of course it is easier to digest than cow’s milk.
Anyway, thanks for the posting. And I am picturing Riley pointing with her little finger which way she wants to walk. What a sweetie! Love, Gramma Peg

By: Anne Hamlin Mon, 15 Jan 2007 23:27:15 +0000 Dear Elise and Sage,

Rest assured that there are indeed folks (like me! 😉 who are ‘still’ following Riley’s progress through your blog, and loving it. I think I have read all your postings (or almost all) and enjoyed them too. I loved looking at your photos of Cape Town and area recently as it took me back to when I spent 3 months in S Africa in the 70’s – way before your day or my kids! Gorgeous place.

I appreciated your latest entry and honesty about the challenges of parenting. It does seem like many hard decisions, but when a child is as surrounded by love and intelligent people as your daughter is, it will be hard to go wrong in any serious or lasting way. Trust your instincts and her needs and you’ll be fine. She certainly won’t still be nursing when she goes off to school, too much else to think about by then, so relax and enjoy what you have now! But enough of the advice from “Auntie Anne”!
